TITLE: Receiver of Memory
REPORTS TO: The Mountain Grove Committee of Elders
Intelligence, Integrity, Courage, and Wisdom
The Capacity to See Beyond
The successful completion of the Giver's Receiver of Memory training
The ability to withstand the weight of our collective pain and suffering
Take on the burden of knowledge so that we no longer have to bear it
Report to the Annex every day
Use the wisdom you’ve gained from our memories to counsel and advise the Committee of Elders
Withhold all information about your work from everyone, including your family
Suffer in silence and isolation
Become the Giver someday
Dream-telling, medication, and release are prohibited
Do not fail, as she did…
The status as “most important member” of the Committee of Elders
You will receive your own dwelling, one that is different from those of most family units
You are permitted to lie
You are permitted to ask any question of any citizen, and you will receive answers
Exemption from rules governing rudeness
You have access to everything, including books
TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: 365 days annually, 24 hours a day
EVALUATION: As an employee of Mountain Grove, performance will be evaluated in accordance with the Committee of Elders’ policies on evaluation of professional personnel. As the Receiver of Memory, performance will be based on whether the community feels any pain or not.